Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Filming day one

Here is the set up of the setting of my first scene, the idea of the setting was that it is in a house on an evening. To create this setting I have filmed on location in an actual house. In relation to the lighting it had to be dim because in the narrative this clip is filmed in the evening, also the dim lighting reflects the relationship between the two characters in the scene. However, as seen in the image above, I added two purple/pink coloured lights out of shot of the camera to give the room a pink/purple glow, I used this lighting to connote the hidden love the girl as for her mother, however when the girl realises the mother does not feel the same the lighting changes and the pink light fades. The props I needed for this scene are on the table, as shown on the picture.

Here is an image of me whilst I am filming a scene of my music video, as you can see I used a tripod to steady the camera, as in this scene there is only still shots, not tracking shots.

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