Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Evaluation 3- Audience feedback- Focus group (3)

Here is a focus group with Alex, Claudia and Saskia (Peers from my media class) who are feeding back on my Music Video.

Do you think  I have represented my music genre well?
Alex: Yes! Yes really well! I think the mise-en-scene and the location and the narrative does.
Claudia: I thought the narrative was really good, I didn't expect it to be that type of narrative, but it was kind of like… I don’t know, it was just really good and I was really gripped to it!
Saskia: I think the narrative was reinforced well with the location and your editing and stuff!
Claudia: yeah your editing and camera angles were really good!
Alex: Oh yes, and it was good because like everyone’s done like boyfriend and girlfriend stories, I think it was good that it was different.
Claudia: Yeah it was something different wasn't it! Because everyone’s done like, love stories.
What have I done well?
Alex: your narrative, the way that you have shown your narrative was really good. Like with your locations as well, the way it goes from one place to another.
Claudia: yeah it’s easy to follow like a story.
Saskia: And the flashbacks as well, you get a lot of that, and the editing.
What stood out the most?
Alex: Mise-en-scene I think
Claudia: All of it really
Saskia: The way the narrative went at the end
Claudia: I liked how, with the lyrics it said something about ‘drowning alcohol’ or something, or ‘blood’ and it was like alcohol pouring to the sink, I thought that was good.

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